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Fowl Play


Chicken has a delicate flavor and is easily overpowered. "Fowl Play" will harmonize with your chicken, turkey, stuffing, gravy, etc. without overpowering it. Crush this seasoning between your fingers as you add it. The little leaves of sage tend to roll up and coat themselves with other spices. Crushing will release their flavor.


Add butter to the hot water from your boiled vegetables or giblets. Toss in bread crumbs and "Fowl Play" seasoning: healthy and delicious dressing! Try adding raisins or chopped apple for a moist and tasty change.


Sage - not related to our western sage-brush, sage has a grey-green hairy leaf that is highly aromatic. In ancient times, sage was declared a cure-all by medical schools. It is now an important culinary herb.


Contains: Sage, Thyme, Rosemary, Celery, Parsley, Onion, White Pepper, Basil, Savory, Garlic, Peprika, Corinader, Ginger, Cornstarch

Fowl Play

SKU: 0072122244
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